Welcome to the Gem of the Hills Historian

Company I
July-1861, Howell’s Chapel, Oak Level Calhoun County [Now Cleburne]
Alexander, Matthew Captain [Resigned 7/1/1862]
Howell, Wilson P. Captain
[Buried Oak Level Cemetery Cleburne County Alabama]
Smith, Martin H. 1st Lieutenant
Borden, William J. 1st Lieutenant
[Thought to moved to Florida after the war]
Weissinger, H.Y. 2nd Lieutenant
Roberts, J.Q. 2nd Lieutenant
Smith, W.H. 2nd Lieutenant
Grubbs, John H. Sergeant [Died during the war]
Roper, Mathew Sergeant
Kerr, W.B.F. Sergeant
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
McGee, B.O. Sergeant
Wood, James Sergeant [Died 1/28/1863]
Ragsdale, J. Sergeant
Stephenson, William A.J. Sergeant
Sullivan, P.F. 1st Sergeant
Brown, Samuel A 2nd Corporal
[Filed for pension in Dekalb County Alabama]
Ford, James M. Corporal
Parker, Samuel A. Corporal
[Buried Oak Level Cemetery Cleburne County Alabama]
Pitchford, E.W. Corporal
[Buried Oak Level Cemetery Cleburne County Alabama]
Smith, John W. Corporal [Died 10/27/1862 at Knoxville]
Roberts, J. Corporal
Roper, Charles W Corporal
Abney, Henry V.
Abney, Geo W.
Abney, James A
Abney, Wm T.
Adams, Alfred L
Adams, W.K.
Alexander, William J.
[Wounded at Missionary Ridge and Atlanta. Filed for pension in Calhoun County]
Anderson, A.Z.
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Arrington, Jno T.
Barnett, L.J.
Beam, William
Brooks, Burton
[Died before October 1864. Survived by Catherine Brooks, widow filed a claim]
Brown, J.M.
[Wounded at Murfreesboro 12/31/1862]
Brown, V.O
[Widow filed for pension in Dekalb County Alabama]
Brown, W
[Died 6/18/1863 at Fairgrounds Hospital]
Busby, John T.
Camp, Felix F.
Carpenter, A.A.
Castles, John H.
[Died 11/7/1862 at University Hospital, Knoxville, Tenn. Survived by Nancy Castles, widow, Buried in Confederate Cemetery in East Knoxville, Tennessee]
Cates, William J.
Champion, C.
Clement, W.R.
Clapton, J.C.
[Died 6/4/1863 at Mobile, AL. Survived by Lucinda Clapton, widow]
Coppack, Asbury
[Died 5/11/1862 at Corinth, MS. Survived by Mark and Mary A. Coppack, parents]
Coppock, J.W.
Davis, E.J.
[Roster Dead in Confederate Cemetery at Chattanooga, Tenn]
Dean, Isham, [discharged 4/6/1863]
Donaldson, W
Donaldson, Wyatt S
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County Alabama]
Dowd, George W.
[Filed for pension in Elmore County Alabama]
Duke, C.J. [Died 2/11/1862]
Duncan, Edwin [Died 12/27/1863]
Elrod, L.M.
[Lucinda Elrod filed a claim 3/4/1863]
Eubanks, L.J.
[Died 1/20/1862 at Gainesville, AL. Survived by Elisha Eubanks]
Ezzell, Joseph T.
[Was wounded at Missionary Ridge, Tennessee November 25, 1863. Lost the sight of right eye and partial sight of the left eye. September 20, 1863 was wounded in the neck and shoulder. Pension application filed by Cynthia Ezzell, widow.]
Ezzell, Thomas J.
Farmer, Martin
[Filed for pension in Marengo County Alabama]
Gentry, Seaborn J.
[Deserted the C. S. A. and joined the U. S. Navy 1864/06/10 at Alton, Illinois]
Grimes, J.T.
Hairston, James M.
[Filed for pension in Dekalb County Alabama]
Hardin, G.W.
[Filed for pension in Etowah County Alabama]
Hardin, Hezekiah
[Died 3/29/1862 at Corinth, MS, age 56. Survived by Catherine Mary Hardin, widow]
Hardin, William M.
[Died 5/1/1862 at Corinth, Miss. Father was Hezekiah Hardin of this Company. Survived by Catherine Mary Hardin, mother]
Harris, James D.
Harris, Joseph G.
Haynes, William D.
Henson, John B.
[Died 3/20/1863 Chattanooga Tenn of pneumonia]
Henson, William B.
[Died before 5/23/1864, widow filed a claim]
Hogan, John
[Died 3/3/1862 at Hall's Mill]
Holder, Green B.
[Filed for pension in Calhoun County Alabama]
Howell, Abraham M.
[Filed for pension in Lawrence County Alabama]
Howell, Hudson F
[Died Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia of Killed at the Battle of Atlanta]
Howell, John S.
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Hudgins, Noel C.
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Huston, J.C.
Johnson, J.M.
Johnson, Oliver
[Died 4/19/1863 at Chattanooga, Roster dead in Confederate Cemetery at Chattanooga, Tennessee]
Knight, W.K.
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Laminack, John
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Lee, R.P.M.
[Died 7/1/1862 at Randolph County Alabama]
Manly, J.G.
[Roster dead in Confederate Cemetery at Chattanooga, Tennessee]
Mannus, Hamilton
[Filed for pension in Calhoun County Alabama]
Manor, Jesse F
[Widow filed for pension in Etowah County Alabama]
Mays, William H.
[Widow filed for pension in Cleburne County Alabama]
McCoy, Alex. W.
[Roster Dead in Confederate Cemetery at Chattanooga Tennessee]
McKee, James
Milam, William R
Morrow, J.C.H., [Died Chattanooga, TN]
Overton, Obadiah F.M.
Parker, John A.
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Perry, M.K.
Perryman, W.
Pettit, William
Phillips, Sydney E.
[Killed at Murfreesboro 12/31/1862]
Pitchford, Elisha
Plott, Lampten F. [Died 4/21/1862 at home]
Pollard, A.B [Died during the war]
Pollard, Avin [Died 2/19/1862 at Hall's Mill]
Pollard, G. [Died 5/7/1862 at Corinth Miss]
Pollard, John
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Pool, W.A [Died during the war]
Powell, J.A. [Died 1/26/1862 at Hall's Mill]
Price, John
[Died 10/26/1862 at Court House Hospital Knoxville, TN]
Riley, Sam [Died 5/1/1862]
Roberts, D.C.
Roberts, David P
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County Alabama]
Roberts, Nathan
Roberts, Thomas J.
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County Alabama]
Roper, Asa
Roper, Charles W.
[Killed at Murfreesboro 12/31/1862]
Roper, John [Died 11/3/1862 at Hall's Mill]
Roper, John H.
Roper, T.J.
[Died 5/10/1862 at Calhoun County Alabama]
Shipp, W.P.
Simenton, Fleming
Skipper, J.A.
Smith, A.M.
Smith, James M.
Smith, J.N.
Smith, Manus
Snow, C.
Sommack, J.
Soris, Riley
[Died of disease 5/21/1862 at Corinth, MS]
Spradlin, William E.
[Captured at Marietta, GA 7/3/1864. Enlisted in Co. I, 6th US Volunteers 4/2/1865]
Stephenson, C.C.
Stephenson, John T. [Died 10/14/1861]
Stewart, B.N.
Stewart. George W.
Story, Marion A.
Tolbert, Samuel A.
Turner, James W.
Vaughn, H.H
Waddle, B.J. [Burton]
[Filed for pension in Calhoun County Alabama]
Waddle, James A.
[Widow filed for pension in Calhoun County]
Waddle, M.D. [Moses]
[Moved to Texas after the war]
Walter, George W.
Watkins, James G
Wharton, Thomas J.
White, F.S.
Wilkerson, James A
[Died in Calhoun County Alabama after the war]
Wilkerson, R.A.
[Died in Calhoun County Alabama after the war]
Williams, Stephen
Wilson, J.N.
Wood, W.W.