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The 30th Alabama Infantry - Company B
Jacksonville, Calhoun County, Alabama
Date of Muster Roll: March 29, 1862 Camp Curry
Frances, John C Captain/Lt Colonel
Carpenter, Wiley 1st Lieutenant
Finch, James H 1st Lieutenant [Died during the war]
Thompson, William W 1st Lieutenant
McCain, Joseph B 2nd Lieutenant
Van Zandt, George W 2nd Lieutenant
Palmer, H.B Sergeant
Smith, John Sergeant [Filed for pension in Jefferson County AL]
Baughn, J.N 1st Sergeant
Wright, Wiley 1st Sergeant
Lower, Martin 2nd Sergeant
Driskill, Mark 3rd Sergeant
Grover, John W 4th Sergeant [Died in Calhoun County]
McFadden, Hugh 5th Sergeant
Durham, M.T Corporal
Davis, E.P Corporal
Harmon, James C Corporal [Died during the war]
Wolf, W.H Corporal
Alexander, R.P
Alexander, William T
Allen, Hamilton [Died during the war]
Allen, N [Died during the war]
Allen, O.P
Allen, R.F
Arnold, James D [Died after 1910 Calhoun County]
Bagley, J.D
Bagley, Josiah
Baird, Charles M
Baird, E.B
Baird, Warren W
Beard, Charles M
Beucham, Daniel W
Bradshaw, F.M
Brewer, M.F [Died during the war]
Buze, Wm
Carpenter, John W
Champness, J
Champion, William N [Died in Calhoun County]
Clark, Edward T [Died after 1910, Calhoun County]
Clark, James W
Clay, Joel
Clem, William
Cook, J.J [Died during the war]
Cook, John P
Crawford, Llafer
Crawford, Sater
Crawford, Sliford
Crosby, J
Culbreath, N.D.S
Denman, W.C
Dennison, W.C
Dowdle, James M [Died during the war]
Dowdle, John P [Died during the war]
Downing, Absalom
Downing, Thomas Jeff
Driskill, Amos
Driskill, James H
Emmeson, H.S
Finch, Thomas [Died during the war]
Finch, W.T [Died during the war]
Ford, John [Died during the war]
Ford, Thomas J [Born 1844, died after 1920 Calhoun County]
Fraser, Joseph G [Died in Dekalb County]
Fry, F.H
Garven, B.F [Died in Calhoun County]
Gilley, John W
Gilley, Richard F
Gober, Bradford
Gordon, W.P [Died during the war]
Gray, Thomas
Hand, H.C
Harmon, Joseph C
Hill, Floyd G
Hoke, Jasper
Hoke, Joe L
Hooper, J.W
Humphries, M.T [Died in Calhoun County]
Hutchinson, W.T
Johnson, E
Karr/Kerr, J.M.N
Karr/Kerr, J.S
Kelly, N.G
Kirby, Johnson R
Kirby, Joshua
Kimbrell, M.K
Landers, John K [Filed for pension in Calhoun County]
Langley, O.B
Laterfuller, John H
Littlejohn, Thomas
Looker, Virgil
Lowry, J.L
Marable, J.A
Martin, R.J
Martin, Wm M
Mason, Hugh W
Matheny, Jack F [Widow filed for pension in Jefferson County AL]
Mathews, Lemph H [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Mathis, John V [Died during the war]
Mathis, W.R
Matteson, J.L
McAlpin, W.A [Filed for pension in Blount County AL]
McCain, J.F [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
McCain, Jacob T [Filed for pension in Blount County AL]
McCulbreath, M.D.S
McElreath, James R
Milner, John
Moore, James B
Moore, Riley
Moore, W.R [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Moses, L.D [Died during the war]
Newton, William H [Died during the war]
Niman, J.B
Norris, James E [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Nunnelley, B.F
Nunnelley, Joseph
Pass, J.E
Page, H.J
Pinson, Peter [Died during the war]
Pinson, T.O [Died during the war]
Pitts, A.P.H
Pitts, H.H
Powers, J.A
Powers, T.J [Died during the war]
Putman, John [Filed for pension in Marion County AL]
Putman, S. Van [Widow filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Ravor, Isaac [Died during the war]
Reaves, David R
Reaves, J.R
Redman, William
Reynolds, W.J
Riley, R.F [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Roberts, David
Roberts, Luke R [Died during the war]
Roberts, William
Rutledge, John
Rutledge, W.A
Sanders, J.K [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Seeber, John C [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Sharp, Elijah
Sherbit, W.F.R [Died during the war]
Skelton, Green B [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Skelton, Wm A [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Smith, J. M
Steel, Harvey [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Stephens, G.W
Stephen, Niman V [Died during the war]
Stephens, W.T
Sutherfield, John H
Stone, C.W
Thompson, Thomas J
Turner, Calvin C
Walker, Absalom
Walsh, John H
Warren, Thomas
Weaver, R.P
Weir, William M
Whaley, John
Whatley, William
Whatley, Wyatt
White, James A
White, Thomas
Willingham, George J
Willingham, J.R
Willingham, J.W
Willingham, William
Wilson, George W
Wolfe, Henry
Woodruff, C [Died in Calhoun County]
Woodruff, Seaborn
Young, Albert H [Filed for pension in Calhoun County]
The 30th Alabama Infantry - Company E
Mar 6, 1862 - Calhoun County, Alabama
McBee, Henry Captain
Kelly, Samuel C Lt/Captain/Major
Airhart, Nicholas Lt
Pike, John Lt
Landers, Wm Lt
Boozier, Henry H Sgt [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Cantrell, W Sgt
Hollinsworth, J.D Sgt
Pike, B.M Sgt
Phillips, Jonathan Sgt
Palmer, John B Sgt [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Black, S.O Corp [Died during the war]
Boozier, G. Corp
Pendland, Samuel Corp [Widow filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Williams, John W Corp
Adkins, J.W.D 3rd Corp
Abernathy, T.D
Alexander, J.J [Died during the war]
Anders, Alex [Died during the war]
Atkins, J.A [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Argo, Nimrod [Filed for pension in Etowah County AL]
Bailey, John
Baird, W.A
Baker, Isaac M
Baker, J.N
Baxter, Barney A [Filed for pension in Cherokee County AL]
Baxter, M.A
Benson, John [Died during the war]
Blun, S.A
Boozier, David F [Died during the war]
Bowman, John A [Died during the war]
Brown, Andrew
Brown, W.K
Brown, Wm A
Cannon, Alfred
Cannon, Joseph [Died during the war]
Cannon, Thomas
Collins, J. Wesley
Cooley, D
Cooper, J.E
Cornelius, Ben A
Crewshaw, J.T
Dale, W.M
Davis, Martin
Duckett, Elijah
Duncan, Joseph M
Duncan, Solomon G
Elliott, James
Estes, W.C
Evans, Adolphus M [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Evans, Francis M
Evans, Montgomery
Farrer, J
Ferguson, David
Foster, R.H
Garrett, David
Garrett, G.H [Widow filed for pension in Jefferson County AL]
Garrett, Wiley J [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Garrett, Wm H
Gaylor, Henry
Glass, A.J
Graham, N.H
Green, James
Green, Joseph [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Green, W.M
Griffin, Ashley
Griffin, Henry
Griffin, W.B
Griffith, George W [Widow filed for pension in Etowah County AL]
Griffith, R.G [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Harmon, John
Hayes, J.F
Henderson, Booker
Henderson, Meredith
Hill, John J
Hinter, George W
Hobbs, J.J [Filed for pension in Blount County AL]
Hollingsworth, Robert A [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Hopkins, John [Filed for pension in Marshall County AL]
Jackson, W.B
Journey, Nathan W
Keller, M.W
Keller, W.G
Kenney, J [Widow filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Kidd, Hugh
Kilpatrick, George W [Filed for pension in Lamar County AL]
Kirby, W.P
Landers, Alfred
Landers, G.W [Widow filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Landers, W.S
McCollum, Joseph B [Died during the war]
McCullers, F.M
Nance, Wm M [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Palmer, Pink
Patterson, John M. [Filed for pension in Calhoun County AL]
Payne, Alford F
Payne, Alex L
Pearce, Ben B
Pearce, James A
Phillips, C.W.P
Phillips, David
Phillips, L.M
Phillips, P.M
Pike, John
Prather, Richard W
Prather, R.W. Jr.
Price, John
Price, M.M
Rayburn, G.W
Rayburn, Greenberry
Reaves, B.W
Reaves, Hickman
Reeves, E.G
Reaves, John S [Died during the war]
Reid, Baty [Filed for pension in Cleburne County AL]
Rhodes, John S
Rhodes, Jonathan A
Rice, John
Roundtree, Frances M
Roundtree, W.G
Sewell, J.S
Sewell, Jasper
Sewell, Land
Sewell, Newton
Sewell, W.J
Sewell, W.W
Shaw, Henry
Shell, D.J
Simmons, John
Simpson, William D [Filed for pension in Cleburne County AL]
Slayton, Warren
Stewart, Wm J
Tarver, Benj
Taylor, J.R
Thackerson, J.W
Thomas, Woodley
Turner, Ben W
Turner, Wm
White, Crosby D
Wilkinson, S.B
Wilkerson, John
Wilkerson, S.B
Williams, G.W
Williamson, G.W
Wingo, Jasper
Yancey, Wm
Young, James
Young, Wm