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44th Alabama Infantry Regiment
Company K
Calhoun County, Alabama
Riddle, Patrick Captain [Died during the war]
Teague, John M. 1st Lt/Captain [Died during the war]
Downs, James W. 1st Lt/Captain
Adrain, John D. 2nd Lt/Captain [Died during the war]
Fowler, Martin H 3rd Sgt/Captain
[Widow filed for pension in Jefferson County]
Coker, Mason N 2nd Lt
[Filed for pension in Calhoun County]
Hunnicutt, William R. 2nd Lt/1st Lt
Ferguson, James M 1st Sgt [Died during the war]
Kemp, William L 1st Sgt [Died during the war]
Babar, Andrew J. 2nd Sgt.
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Stricklin, Simon 3rd Sgt/1st Sgt.
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Harper, William 4th Sgt [Died during the war]
Owens, William K. 5th Sgt.
Clements, Salathiel 1st Cpl
Currier, William H. 1st Cpl
Landers, William M 1st Cpl [Died during the war]
Harris, Wiley J. 1st Cpl
Culver, Nathan L 2nd Cpl
[Filed for pension in DeKalb County]
Parker, Richard M. 2nd Cpl.
Vaughan, Samuel E. 2nd Cpl. [Died in Cherokee County]
Culver, Jonathan M. 3rd Cpl/Sgt.
[Filed for pension in DeKalb County]
Evans, Green G. 4th Cpl.
[Filed for pension in St. Clair County]
Hunnicutt, Thomas H. 4th Cpl.
[Widow filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Pool, John H. 4th Cpl. [Died during the war]
Badgett, Samuel
[Died 1883, widow filed for pension in Calhoun County]
Badgett, W. A. [Died during the war]
Bain, C. C.
Bradford, Samuel [Died during the war]
Beasley, I.C
Brimer, John W.
[Died 1884, widow filed for pension in Calhoun County]
Brown, Albert
Brown, John F.
Brumley, Andrew J
Busby, Larkin
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Canada, James E.
[Filed for pension in Calhoun County]
Clements, James H.
[Filed for pension in DeKalb County]
Cobb, Elias W
[Filed for pension in Calhoun County]
Coffee, William [Died during the war]
Culver, Nathan L
[Filed for pension in DeKalb County]
Danson, Martin
Dobbins, Jesse W
Edmondson, Wm T [Died during the war]
Griffin, Joseph W.
Griffin, William A. [Died during the war]
Hale, Benjamin [Died during the war]
Hammett, Henry [Died during the war]
Hanson, James T
Hanson, Silas
[Died 1897, widow filed for pension in Calhoun County]
Hardwick, John A. [Died during the war]
Harris, John T. [Died during the war]
Harris, Walker G
Henderson, Jeremiah M [Died during the war]
Hewitt, Larkin M
Hughe, Moses
Jennings, Henry
[Widow filed for pension in Etowah County]
Johnson, George W. [Died during the war]
Kelley, Daniel
[Filed for pension in Etowah County in 1887]
Kelley, James R. H.
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Kemp, Barry J. [Died during the war]
Kemp, Henry T. [Died during the war]
Kemp, John E. [Died during the war]
Knight, Manuel O. [Died during the war]
Knighton, Joseph J.
Knighton, William B. [Died during the war]
Lambert, John P
Landers, Edmond B
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Martin, Elijah N.
McCoy, James L.
McKey, Isaac
McRoberts, Marcus [Died during the war]
Medders, Hiram
Murner, George W.
Owens, John
Parker, William D [Died during the war]
Pearson, William
Phillips, James
Powell, Nathan
Powell, William H. [Died during the war]
Pruitt, Francis M
Read, Lemuel [Died during the war]
Rodarn, James F.
Rodarn, John A.
Smith, D.L.
Smith, Joseph S.
Swafford, J. J. [Died during the war]
Stewart, T.J
Teague, Elijah [Died during the war]
Thompson, Pleasant W. [Died during the war]
Traylor, Francis M.
Traylor, Joseph J.
Turner, Littleberry
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Turner, Simon
Vaughan, John W
[Filed for pension in Cleburne County]
Wade, James P. [Died during the war]
Wade, S. G. [Died during the war]
Walker, John A.
Watkins, A. G.
Williams, Martin M. [Died during the war]
Williams, Kenneth