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22nd AL Inf. Regiment
Company E
Roster of Company E,
“The Calhoun Boys” Calhoun County Alabama
Most of these men were from the section of Calhoun County that is now Cleburne County
Northcutt, John R Captain
Rev. John Robinson Northcutt born Jan 21, 1814 in Wilson County, TN died Aug 23, 1900 in Texas
Woods, William C Captain
Bird, R Lt
Taylor, C.B 1st Lt
White, W.J. 1st Lt
Evans, Hiram M 2nd Lt
Died in Texas
Frisbie, Lewis 2nd Lt
Snow, M.L. 2nd Lt
Marcus L. Snow born Dec 5, 1824, died Mar 8, 1910, buried Heflin City Cemetery
Taylor, E.D 2nd Lt
Woods, C.B. 2nd Lt
Falk, H.B 1st Sgt
Falk, J.K Sgt
Evans, J.C Sgt
Lackey, John Sgt
Pounds, Newman Sgt
Died in Texas
Pruitt, Jonathan G Sgt
Died during the War
Teader, James Sgt
Whatley, G Sgt
Allen, John B Corp
Beverly, W.N. Corp
Gaines, Wm P Corp
Gilbert, J.T Corp
Pearce, J.F Corp
Whitaker, J.C Corp
Williamson, William W. Corp
William Washington Williamson
Woods, G Corp
Albright, Andrew
Albright, Jacob
Albright, John
Albright, W.G Died during the war
Albright, W.R Widow filed for pension in Jefferson County AL
Albright, William M
Alsobrooks, G
Armstrong, J.B
Barker, John A
Barker, William R
William Robertson Barker born Jan 30, 1843, died 1908, buried Cleburne County
Bennett, L.G
Lewis Green Bennett born Nov 9, 1835, died Jun 16, 1916, buried Upper Cane Creek Cemetery
Benefield, Z
Black, Thomas E Filed for pension in Escambia County, Alabama
Blackburn, B.F
Bobo, Andrew J
Bobo, John S Filed for pension in Calhoun County
Boyd, James List, Confederate Soldiers buried at Rock Island Cemetery. Grave #1115
Boyd, Wm J
Burgess, J.H James H. Burgess born 1842, filed for pension in Cleburne County
Burk, William L
Campbell, L.D
Carpenter, D
Casey, Wiley
Chandler, M.M
Chappell, J
Coffee, Lewis Lewis Coffee is buried at Lower Cane Creek Cleburne County
Copeland, J
Cox, L
Dorman, J
Dorman, Z
Dorough. Andrew J
Dorough, J.C Died Mississippi, Columbus, Camp Blewett Hospital, Intermittent Fever
Dorough, M.D
Dorough, Wm Died during the war, buried Chattanooga, Tennessee
Evans, Wesley Died during the war
Gaines, John P.
Gaines, Mathew M.
Gilliland, W.B
Harper, Alex
Harper, James M Filed for pension in Cleburne County
Harper, Moses
Harrell, Leonard Filed for pension in Talladega County
Harrell, William M Filed for pension in Calhoun County
Harris, A A.B. Harris born 1830, died 1881 buried Lower Cane Creek Cleburne County
Hass, Tolbert
Haynes, F.M
Hesley, F
Herring, Riley
Herren, D
Hogan, Irwin Filed for pension in Cleburne County
Howell, Henry
Howell, Richard
Hubbard, H
Hudson, C
Jackson, John
Jernigan, Frances M
Knighton, J.H.F Died during the war
Lackey, Robert A
Landers, G.M Filed for pension in Marshall County
Leach, Michael P
Lett, John P
Lett, M.H Mathew H. Lett died in Blount County Alabama
Liner, Simon
Lott, Andrew J.B Died during the war, buried at Rock Island Cemetery
Lott, J.M Filed for pension in Calhoun County
Majors, J
Mathews, J
Mattox James
McCormick, Wm
McDaniel, C.E
McDaniel, J.F
McDonald, Simon
McDowell, Thomas
McKeney, H
McMahan, Clark
Mitchell, J.A
Moore, W
Nolen, J
Norton, James W
Nunnlley, Wm
Ouinn, Hardy
Owen, Irvin Died in MS
Owen, Oliver
Oliver Owen born 11/3/1827 in Hall County Ga. He died on 5/10/1909 buried in Upper Cane Creek Cemetery
Parnell, John R
Parrish, Wm Died during the war
Partin, E
Passmore, S
Peacock, G
Pearce, H.L
Perry, D.C
Pool, W
Pounds, Early
Early A.J. Pounds born Aug 5, 1840, died Oct 6, 1921, buried Pine Grove Cemetery Cleburne County
Pounds, Wade
Price, H.M
Reaves, E
Reed, George
Reed, James H James Harrison Reid died around 1870 Calhoun County
Reed, R.T
Dr. R.T. Reid born Oct 2, 1843, died Aug 13, 1906, buried Lower Cane Creek Cleburne County
Reed, W.J
Reese, R
Rhodes, E.T
Rhodes, John
Rhodes, W.A
Roberts, S.M
Rutledge, James
Sanders, G.M
Shoemaker, Lindsey B
Smith, R
Smith, Russell
Stewart, W
Strickland, Drewy
Suggs, J
Suggs, Jesse born Aug 22, 1844, died Mar 14, 1914, buried Pleasant Grove Cleburne County
Sykes, Thomas
Tingle, Andrew
Walker, T.R
Warren, James R
James R. Warren born Jun 27, 1837, died Mar 3, 1916 buried Lower Cane Creek Cleburne County
Weaver, Isaac
Weaver, Jesse
Welch, J
Whatley, I
White, F.M Frances Marion White born Jul 3, 1840, died Apr 27, 1919, buried Decatur GA
Whitaker, J.
Williamson, Asa T
Williamson, G.B
Williamson, Wm
Wilson, B.P
York, Daniel
York, Henry
York, Nathan
York, Nathaniel