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Captain Sumner's Recommended Sutlers
Click on the "Name" of each sutler to be taken directly to their site
Select the name of each sutler to go directly to their site.
Great for those new to the hobby and looking for their first uniforms, gear, and equipment - Mainstream Grade
Great for those new to the hobby and looking for their first uniforms, gear, and equipment - Mainstream Grade
Another great sutler which offers equipment and gear for those who are in the hobby and slowly improving their impressions - Mainstream Grade
Sutlery specializing in a wide variety of items of high quality - Mainstream / Campaigner Grade
Sutlery specializing in a wide variety of items of high quality from period correct wood crates / boxes, to insignia and other items - Mainstream / Campaigner Grade
Sutlery specializing in a wide variety of civilian items of high quality from multi-period - Campaigner Grade
A wonderful Sutler who offers authentic reproductions at a very high quality - Campaigner Grade
A quality sutler specializing in Uniform Accessories, Accoutrements Accessories & Tents, as well as Insignia - Campaigner Grade
Sutlery specializing in high quality leather goods from Brogans, Haversacks, Accoutrements, & Knapsacks as well as Double Bags - Campaigner Grade
Taylor specializing in very high quality period clothing of correct construction and methodology - Campaigner Grade
Possibly the best known for the quality of their reproductions, and accuracy, Wambaugh, White & Company is arguably one of the best sources for uniforms and period garments - Campaigner Grade
Superior quality period garment kits (Finished and Unfinished), Blankets, and Accessories - Campaigner Grade
Superior quality reproductions of Leather Accoutrements - Campaigner Grade
Specializes in Period Buttons and Uniform Accessories - Campaigner Grade
Corps Badges and other Period Items -
Campaigner Grade
Quality grade uniforms and other period Items (Supplied by Sekala)
Campaigner Grade
Period Weapons Reproductions
Period Weapons Reproductions